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  • Solopress - Printweek 'Company of the year' winners

    Enigma Interactive would like to congratulate Solopress on being named Company of the Year at the prestigious Printweek Awards which took place at The Brewery in London on Wednesday 6th March.

    Being named Printweek's company of the Year is the ultimate accolade in the printing industry. This award recognises outstanding achievement, based on the financial and business performance of a company during the judging period between October 2022 and September 2023.

    Solopress winners

    This category takes into account the quality of the balance sheet and profit-and-loss accounts; investment in technology and people; and other achievements, such as the winning of new contracts or the overcoming of exceptional circumstances. 

    Working with Solopress on a daily basis, we know how much hard work and dedication goes behind the scenes, they have a fantastic team, a great culture and they are always pushing the boundaries of what is possible in print.

    This accolade is a recognition of all their hard work.

    Congratulations to the whole team!